Week 4: 9-18
In class today we talked about culture, nation and society. A culture is a shared way of life. We were given the fish bowl example. If we were all fish we would share the water to live. 5 components of Culture is language, symbol, value/belief, norms of society, and material objects. A Nation is a territory with designated borders. Right now we have a president who wants to enforce our border between Mexico and the United States so we do not have so many illegal immigrants taking jobs from us. A Society is an organized interaction of people who typically live in a nation or some other specific territory.
This video explains the pros and cons of culture of society. It gives a better understanding to what culture is how it can impact ones life and the lives around them.
How can I hurt society: by not showing an interest in how my culture works
How can society hurt me: by not allowing people to show their interests and beliefs.
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